Arcadia Farm & Home Auto-Pro
1475 E. Wilson Ave. Arcadia WI 608-323-7144


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Your Vehicle's Other Power Plant (Alternator Replacement)

Your vehicle's engine is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a power plant.  But it has another power source that is vital as well: the alternator. The alternator is wha...
Published on: Mar 09, 2025


You’ve probably noticed a bunch of warning lights on your dash when you start your engine.  They flash on to test the circuits and then go off if everything’s OK.  One of the war...
Published on: Jun 17, 2021


Question My battery keeps going dead. I had it tested and it is fine - what could be the problem? Answer Well, your problem could be caused by several things.  Let's start with a likely suspec...
Published on: Dec 05, 2017


Your alternator makes electricity to start and run your engine and all the electrical systems in your vehicle. That’s everything from the on-board computers to the turn signals. And of course, t...
Published on: Jul 27, 2016

Alternator Replacement at Arcadia Farm & Home Auto-Pro

Many Arcadia drivers have probably noticed a bunch of warning lights on their dash when they start their engine. They flash on to test the circuits and then go off if everything's OK. One of the warni...
Published on: May 26, 2016